This blog is devoted to helping investors make informed decisions. It will be regularly updated and provide opinions on earnings results. It is not intended to give investment advice and should not be taken as such. Consult your investment advisor.
Wells Fargo is Still Good Value Despite Rising Rates
Earnings season is in full flow now, and it’s the turn of banking heavyweights such as Wells Fargo(NYSE: WFC) and JPMorgan Chase(NYSE: JPM)
to give their numbers and commentary on the economy. As ever, investors
will focus on the housing market’s effect on banking stocks' prospects,
and what it means to the wider economy. Frankly, I think the housing
marketis the key to future
movements in their share prices. Moreover, as long as the banks are
saying good things about housing, investors can feel confident about the
U.S. economy.
Don’t get fooled by randomness
It’s important not to get caught up in the minute detail of looking
at the banks. In truth they are still cyclical businesses. The banks
make money when the economy is trading in the direction of the core
assets (mortgages, loans, etc) on their loan book.
Therefore, if you want to buy banking stocks, you will need to focus
on how the economy affects the quality of their loan books. If housing
and the economy are doing well, then their credit quality (loan
delinquencies, charge off rates) will get better, loan loss provisions
will reduce, and demand for loans will go up. Ultimately higher rates
should be a positive to their earnings in the long term. In turn, all of
these metrics affect the valuation of the company.
My point here is that it's the direction of the core assets, rather
than looking at a snapshot of their earnings right now, that counts in
terms of making a decision to buy the stocks.
The big question over the banks…
The key issue is how the banks might deal with a rising rate
environment. The markets have been keen to price in higher rates ever
since Ben Bernanke implied that the Federal Reserve would begin tapering
bond-market purchases. So where does this leave the banks? Will rising
rates choke off loan demand, or will the housing market continue to
recover despite them? Naturally, if the latter occurs, the banks will see increased loan demand and banking profitability.
The issue can be seen by looking at Wells Fargo’s net
income and its net interest margin (NIM). Interest income (roughly half
of income) is more important to follow than non-interest income, because
it is more variable.
The market has been fretting over this issue in 2013 as economic
growth (therefore loan demand growth) has been moderate, while interest
rates remain low (reduced interest rate income) and deposit growth has
grown strongly (consumers continuing to deleverage).
Meanwhile, financial services companies such as Capital One Financial(NYSE: COF)
have been experiencing run-off. This is where existing loans are paid
off and not replaced by new loans due to weak demand. Indeed, Capital
One expects run-off to be $12 billion in 2013 and a further $8.5 billion
in 2014.
Furthermore, JPMorgan’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, discussed the possibility
for a “dramatic reduction” in the bank’s mortgage profits if rising
rates slowed demand for home loans. The issue is highly relevant because
Wells Fargo and JPMorgan are the two biggest mortgage lenders in the
U.S. Moreover, as the housing market is a key determinant for the
‘wealth effect’, the banks can expect demand for other forms of credit
(auto loans, credit card, etc) to be indirectly tied to it.
The two reasons why the banks will do well
The first cause for optimism is that the increase in deposit growth
created by consumer de-leveraging is building a powerful asset base from
which the banks can lend. For example, here is how Wells Fargo’s
average core deposits have increased recently:
In addition, its tier 1 capital ratio (a common measure of a bank’s
capital adequacy) has been rising. This indicates an increased capacity
to lend.
The second reason is that the wealth effect from housing is real.
Here is a graph of data from the Federal Reserve that demonstrates how
U.S. households and nonprofit organizations have seen real restate
wealth and their net worth improve in recent years:
Furthermore, gains in employment and slow-but-steady economic growth
are creating a favorable environment for growth in loan demand. If these
conditions persist, then the banks should be able to deal with a rising
rate environment. Indeed, historically speaking, a rising rate
environment means that banks will make more money.
The bottom line
In conclusion, investors should stay positive on the financial
services sector as long as the underlying fundamentals are moving in a
favorable direction. The debate about the effects of rising rates on the
economy will go on and on. There will be tomes of spilled ink
discussing the NIM, run-off, Basel III and other esoteric concepts that
ordinary investors find hard to grasp.
However, Bernanke has made it clear that tapering the purchases of
bonds –therefore lowering interest rates– is contingent upon a stronger
economy. Either the Federal Reserve will try to lower rates in the
future (given a slowing economy), or the economy will get better
(implying more loan demand). In any case, the banks are being supported
in their activities and, unless the economy is heading towards another
recession, investors should look to hold some banking stocks in their
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