This blog is devoted to helping investors make informed decisions. It will be regularly updated and provide opinions on earnings results. It is not intended to give investment advice and should not be taken as such. Consult your investment advisor.
It’s always useful to get an industry read across from a company that
services many different end markets. In this article I will focus on Agilent Technologies Inc(NYSE: A).
It is a cyclical stock and has suffered over the summer as global
growth has turned out weaker than expected. However within its end
markets there are some varied trends of which investors can either avoid
or take advantage.
Agilent Technologies
Agilent is a test and measurement company so when global growth is
good and companies are engaging in capital expenditures we can expect
Agilent to benefit. Obviously this makes its earnings highly cyclical. A
quick look at its revenue share by business segment.
Clearly Agilent’s prospects are largely dependent upon the key
Electronic Measurement Segment and I will get into more granular detail
in a moment. For now let’s look at how future prospects are looking.
Here is a chart of orders by business segment.
The electronic measurement business is doing ok and the life sciences
segment is holding up well but we are seeing declines in new orders in
chemical analysis. It’s time to look in more detail into the underlying
Electronic Measurement
The key end markets here are communications (21% of total revenues),
aerospace & defense (8%) and the industrial, computers and
semiconductors division (20%).
Despite the headline data looking stable, the underlying picture is
mixed. Somewhat surprisingly in the last quarter aerospace and defense
revenue was down 11% and I can only conclude that this division is
heavily skewed towards defense spending. While US Government spending
was described as stable, defense contractor spending was described as
Turning to the industrials/computers/semiconductors division I have
some concerns here. Results were down 4% but semiconductor and computer
revenue growth was described as ‘solid’ while industrial demand was
cited as dropping. This is worrying because Intel(NASDAQ: INTC)
recently updated the market and downgraded its full year revenue
expectations. More importantly it guided towards the lower end of
capital expenditures for the year and this sort of slowdown will show up
in Agilent’s numbers going forward. Intel is relying on the Windows 8
upgrade cycle but few computer manufacturers are reporting good news
I’ve saved the best news for last. Communications revenues were up 7%
amidst strong demand for wireless manufacturing and testing driven by
smart phone adoption. This is secular growth trend and looking at what AT&T and Verizon are saying about spending there is a clear shift towards wireless spending from wire line.
One company worth looking at in this regard is Ixia(NASDAQ: XXIA)
which is a leader in communications testing. Ixia’s prospects are
determined by carrier spending but they are skewed towards test
measurement in 3G/4G/LTE spending. So whether its data center spending
(very strong this year) wireless or even less developed countries
rolling out 3G, the company has good prospects. I think its long term
prospects are excellent but I would urge some caution here as its fierce
UK rival Spirent issued notice that its end markets
are slowing. Ixia’s share price is extremely volatile and it is doing
very well now so I would look out for the next news flow before chasing
the stock higher.
Chemical Analysis Group
This is the hardest hit segment and Agilent is quite clear that it is
a macro issue rather than a competitive one. Chemical & Energy
(13%) was described as flat and it is being affected by lower
replacement business in the private sector. A clear sign of a cyclical
slowdown. Emerging markets are helping growth via long term
infrastructure projects but it is not enough to make orders positive
overall. One concern is how weak Environmental & Forensics (10%) are
at the moment. I take this as an indication that Governmental spending
on the environment is not as protected as many think it is. The one
bright spot was Food (5%) which rose 3% largely driven by emerging
These results don’t read across well for key competitors in this segment Thermo Fisher(NYSE: TMO) and PerkinElmer.
A quick look at TMO’s recent outlook shows that it nicely mirrors what
Agilent is saying. Its management talked of academic and government
spending being down low single digits, but there is ongoing strength in
pharma and biotech spending. Meanwhile healthcare and diagnostics
spending remains strong while TMO is somehow managing to wring growth
out of its industrial and applied end markets.
The difference between TMO and Agilent is that the former has a lot
more of its revenues in the faster growing sectors of its end markets.
It is a much more cyclical company.
Life Sciences (including Diagnostics and Genomics)
The last segment to look at also has mixed results. Pharma &
Biotech (13%) remains strong and was up 4% driven by technological
changes which are spurring secular growth. The downside comes from
Academic & Government (7%) which was down 6% largely as a
consequence of reduced public spending. Meanwhile diagnostics (3%)
growth was primarily generated by Dako.
Pharma & Biotech is an obvious source of strength and investors should look for more portfolio exposure here.
Turning to academic spending, this sort of weakness might worry investors in a company like Bruker Corporation(NASDAQ: BRKR).
That said Bruker reported a very respectable 10.4% organic revenue
growth in the last quarter although it mentioned some weakness towards
the end of the quarter. Moreover whenever a company talks about having
been ‘somewhat immune’ to the European situation over the last year I
start to worry that the reported weakness from the end of May could in
fact accelerate. Throw in Bruker’s exposure to industrial & applied
markets as well as semiconductors and the outlook seems pretty similar
to Agilent’s.
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